Real Results.
Our Values.
Our Values.
Lawn Signs are here!
“I’m a homegrown Sacramentan ready to lean in to tackle our problems head-on.
We need real solutions to address homelessness and housing affordability, grow our economy, support our workers and families while improving neighborhood safety and livability.
I’ll bring my experience as a neighborhood leader, Housing and Redevelopment Commissioner, City Councilmember and State Assemblymember to build partnerships and deliver results for Sacramento.”

What they are saying...
"Strong leadership requires making tough decisions. Kevin has already proven that he will provide the strong leadership needed to keep our neighborhoods safe and tackle Sacramento’s homeless crisis"

“Our region faces urgent challenges with homelessness, crime, and housing that demand a collaborative approach among all of our local governments. Kevin McCarty has a proven track record of uniting people to solve problems”

"Kevin's proven ability to foster collaboration with all of our region’s leaders makes him the ideal candidate to lead city hall and tackle our community’s pressing issues of homelessness, public safety, cost of housing, and our overall improvement of our community’s quality of life"

"Kevin's proven ability to foster collaboration with all of our region’s leaders makes him the ideal candidate to lead city hall and tackle our community’s pressing issue"

"Kevin has always been on the front lines of economic empowerment for workers by ensuring they have the dignity of a fair wage and safe working conditions"

"When it comes to delivering results, Kevin's commitment to prioritizing programs that strengthen neighborhoods makes him the best choice for Mayor"

" Kevin has proven time and again that he shows up in our communities, listens to their concerns, and works with them on real solutions"

"We require a bold leader capable of uniting everyone together to enact innovative solutions to our most urgent problems. Kevin embodies the bold leadership we need in city hall"